Super storage, for smarter energy management.
Our on-site Energy Management System (EMS) controls energy flows and monitors battery health data in real-time.
Storio is pioneering the certification of behind-the-meter batteries for ancillary services in France, such that our batteries can generate additional revenues from the grid.
The system includes a 24/7 monitoring dashboard and supervision mechanism to ensure your system availability and durability.
Our AI-driven energy optimization engine predicts energy consumption and production patterns based on historical data and weather forecasts.
We turn these predictions into execution plans for each site, then aggregate the residual flexibility across sites, and place bids on energy and flexibility markets to generate complementary revenues.
These revenues are then allocated to each site based on their contribution towards fulfilling the awarded bids.
To make our clients energy transition successful
Our purpose is to enable a world entirely powered by sustainable energy at an affordable price.
Distributed energy storage has a critical role to play in this transition by balancing energy production and consumption 24/7 and by reducing local electric congestion to avoid expensive grid upgrades.
Our mission is to make our clients energy transition successful.
We partner with them from a project inception until its end-of-life, by providing cost-effective energy storage solutions and optimizing battery use according to site-specific goals.
We leverage the flexibility of storage to turn the risks of increasingly volatile energy prices into an opportunity for our clients.
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